           #,                .                    .P
            hi,              . ..               .Ra
            'L#ph,           ..  .           .iRaL'
             #ph'Ira,        .   .        .L#P'Hir
              Al'   #PHi      ...      .rAl'  #Ph
               iR,    'aL#,         .pHi'    .RA
               'L#       'Phi,   .rAl'       #P'
      ...       iRa         ' .L.#P         Hir       ...
     .           aL#       .pHI  .r,       aL#       .
     . ..         pH,   .iRa'  .  'l#P    .HI        . ..
     ..  .        'Ra .L#'     .     'PHi. ''        ..  .
     .   .         rAl '       .        '#PH,        .   .
      ...      .iR.'aL'        .        .. '#PH,      ...
            .iRa'    l#,     .....     .PH    'iRa,
         .L#P'       'Hi       .       rA'       'l#P,
      .hIr'           aL#      .      pHi           'rAl,
   .#Ph'____________________________ iRa ______________'L#P,
                        ...         aL'
                         #Pi       rAl
                          #Ph     iRa
                           L#,   .Ph
                           'IR   AL'
                            #P. .hI

If you can answer "yes" to all of the questions below, then by all means feel 
free to think of yourself as equal to or better than these ~el8 guys. Otherwise, 
please stop speaking down to people who are obviously much more technically 
skilled than your ignorance will ever allow you to be.

* Do you know how to program in C? Are you intimately familiar with ISO C89? 
C99? While other people in your neighbourhood were out partying, were you 
sitting at home in bed making an almost biblical study of the POSIX standards? 
What about those from The Open Group?

* Do you know how to write hash tables? Balanced trees? Do you know the art 
of algorithms? Do you know Knuth's work like the back of your hand? Did you teach 
yourself everything about computers that one would otherwise only learn by 
paying thousands of dollars for in Computer Science tuition?

* Do you know how to juggle assembly code in your head for multiple 
architectures, such as MIPS, SPARC, x86? Do you understand the peculiarities 
of each architecture down to the nittiest, grittiest details? Can you optimize 
your own assembly routines? Can you take advantage of things such as Pentium 
instruction pairing or the delay slots in various RISC architectures? Do you 
understand the deal with the I-Cache on MIPS? Are you fluent in assembly 
language? Hell, do you even know what SPARC stands for? Quadrants in PA-RISC, make sense?

* Do you know how to write your own exploits? Do you know how to audit 
software with surgical precision for the most intricate bugs imaginable? 
Do you know how to take advantage of buffer overflows? Do you know how to exploit 
off-by-one errors on a little-endian machine? Do you know about integer 
overflows and signedness issues? Can you exploit format string vulnerabilities? 
Can you gain control of a process vulnerable to a heap overflow via a deep knowledge 
of the malloc implementation on the target host? Do you know how to bypass the 
"security" afforded by crap like Openwall, StackGuard, PaX? Or is your knowledge 
of these things limited to the papers that non-hackers publish? You probably think 
the people trying to help the security community with bullshit patches/fixes like 
this are hackers, when in fact no hacker would ever publish any such thing that 
aims to improve security.

* Have you studied the UNIX kernel with as much fervour as some would have 
for physical pursuits such as basketball or baseball? Do you know the data 
structures and organization in the kernels of various operating systems? Have 
you read books on UNIX internals cover to cover? Do you know how Linux works under 
the hood? Can you write your own kernel modules for both defense and offense? Ever 
written a kld on FreeBSD? Can you write a device driver for a peripheral that your 
OS doesn't support? Can you find flaws in kernel src trees that allow you to compromise 
a machine given local access?

* What do you know about evading (N)IDS? Your knowledge isn't limited to what Thomas 
Ptacek & Tim Newsham have said years ago, right? Surely you don't rely on tools written 
by people like Dug Song who like to think of themselves as hackers, when in fact they 
are traitors to the underground, assuming they were ever a part of it to begin with.

* What do you know about defeating firewalls? What techniques have you innovated 
and pioneered on your own? What tools have you written that allow you to toy with 
firewalls? Hell, the fucktard security community is probably limited to lameass crap 
like Firewalk.

* What do you know about web security? Do you sit back and laugh at the "cross-site 
scripting" revolution governed by an idea that has been around well before the 
CSS/XSS sensation that literally blew the dumbass security community apart? Must've 
wasted a lot of brain cells with that gigantic stretch of the imagination. Do 
you laugh at all these "SQL injection" papers and how most of them overlook the 
blatantly obvious: they have you believe you have to fumble around with all kinds 
of convoluted queries to achieve something that can be done with minimal typing 
if only they'd read the fucking documentation for various DBMS. Their CGI experts 
like RFP and Zenomorph call certain script conditions non-exploitable, e.g. when 
you can't get arguments supplied to a binary that you've managed to trick a Perl 
script into running - RFP mentions this in his Phrack article - yet any moron can 
easily figure out that you can use the POST method, make the script run /usr/bin/perl 
for instance, and have it run a script of your choice that is fed as stdin from 
the HTTP request's POST data. Oh God, sorry for pushing the realm of web security 
forward with this INCREDIBLY COMPLEX revelation.

* Have you written your own tools that exploit protocol weaknesses? Have you written 
your own tools for routing protocol weaknesses, e.g. RIP, BGP? Have you written your 
own tools that play games with DNS? Have you written your own ARP cache poisoning / 
mitm tools? Your own tools for shit like icmp redirects and router advertisements? 
Can you write a tool that will exploit the TCP sequence number prediction + IP 
spoofing vulnerability of older days? Or can you only mock Mitnick for his 1994 
attack, calling him a scriptkiddy? Or utter useless banter about ISNs and cookies 
that you digested from some textfile? Who are you kidding? Fuck, have you read 
all 3 volumes of the glorious TCP/IP Illustrated, or can you just mumble some 
useless crap about a 3-way handshake? Do you know Net/3 code? TCP algorithms? 
TCP extensions? Perhaps you're some fucking security expert because you've 
memorized /etc/services - a walking fucking getservbyport, a la 70% of the Vuln-Dev 
subscription base.

I have seen the ~el8 guys cover the full spectrum of everything discussed above. 
95% of the people calling them scriptkids probably can't even code helloworld.c.

Are you just a fucking whitehat leech who knows nothing more than how to use tools 
written by others? Using techniques and exploits that most likely originated in 
the playground of blackhats known as the computer underground. More likely than 
not you're a fucking scriptkid who only knows how to do mundane and trivial crap 
like configuring ACLs on a Cisco router or some half-assed product such as Firewall-1.

You likely are so ignorant that you believe anyone who compromises machines is a 
clueless scriptkiddy like yourself. You likely are so idiotic that you believe 
that Bugtraq and CERT will protect you from the latest 0day exploits.

You think Apache 1.3.26 can't be compromised remotely with one of four two year 
old Apache remotes that haven't even been hinted at on the security lists. 
You think sendmail is (now) remotely secure because what you don't see on Bugtraq 
doesn't exist. Qmail. ProFTPd. My God, you people are so fucking out of it. People 
report intrusions on their machines and you dumbfucks immediately conclude it's 
done by some public vulnerability, e.g. OpenSSL. That's right, because in your 
ignorant bliss there are no skilled people out there who would actually use 
their exploits to hack. Narrow-minded fools. Scriptkiddies.

You know nothing of what lurks beneath the surface glamour of the corrupt security 
industry/community. Your only resort is to call these people kids.

Trust me, they laugh at you clueless imbeciles. They laugh at your
feeble attempts to manipulate hacking so that it becomes some fucking
ethical or philanthropic pursuit. They laugh at your hacker vs.
cracker debates. They laugh at anyone who thinks hacking isnt about

Who are the scriptkids now? You're outgunned and outclassed. 
Take a nap and retire, you pathetic leeches.